Environment for PSYC164#
Environment setup#
If you are taking the PSYC164 course and hope to use the resources on Discovery, you can use the conda environment we prepared for the class.
First set up the minoconda environment:
eval "$(/dartfs/rc/lab/D/DBIC/DBIC/f001693/singularity_home/psyc164/miniconda3/bin/conda shell.bash hook)"
Then activate the nb
conda activate nb
Linking the data directory#
A copy of the data that will be used for the class is available at /dartfs/rc/lab/D/DBIC/DBIC/f001693/singularity_home/psyc164/nb-data
. You can link this directory to your home directory by running the following command:
ln -s /dartfs/rc/lab/D/DBIC/DBIC/f001693/singularity_home/psyc164/nb-data $HOME/.neuroboros-data
If $HOME/.neuroboros-data
already exists, you can remove it with the following command:
rm $HOME/.neuroboros-data
Create the environment#
For records, the environment was created using the following commands:
conda create --name nb "python>=3.9" pip
conda activate nb
pip install -U numpy scipy scikit-learn nibabel pandas matplotlib seaborn ipython jupyter jupyterlab nipy hyperalignment
pip install -U neuroboros
The environment might be updated as the course progresses. To keep a copy of the environment as it currently is, you can clone the environment.